Exploring Cross-Platform Mobile Development: Flutter’s Dart, Kotlin for Android, and Swift in iOS
Exploring Mobile Development: Flutter, Kotlin and Swift Introduction: As a mobile developer, understanding various programming languages and frameworks is essential. In this blog post, we’ll delve into three prominent languages used in mobile development: Flutter’s Dart, Kotlin for Android, and Swift for iOS. 1. Flutter’s Dart: FlutterĀ is Google’s UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications […]
Read MoreUnderstanding Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine built on top of Apache Lucene. It serves as a powerful tool for indexing, searching, and analyzing large volumes of data in real-time. Utilizing a scalable architecture, Elasticsearch can handle petabytes of data spread across thousands of nodes while providing near-instantaneous search results. Its versatility extends […]
Read MoreMockaroo: Savior for Database Seeder
As developers, we often need to seed our database tables for testing purposes, a practice commonly referred to as mocking data. One of the oldest methods (older than the universe itself) for seeding our database involves inserting one row at a time. Imagine the countless hours required if you had to create thousands of rows […]
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